Dr V Praveen Reddy

Scientific Activities
- Raffi RM, ReddyVP, Poornima R, Sujatha GP, Ashok L. Mucocele of lower lip- Case reports. International Dental Journal of Student’s Research 2022;10(1):22-25.
- Presented Paper on ‘’Narrow band Imaging for Early Detection of Oral Cancer” at IAOMR National Post Graduate Convention Held on 4th and 5th August 2017 Kalinga Institute of Dental Sciences, Odisha, Bhubaneshwar.
- Presented poster on ‘’3-D(3-Dimensioanl) Printing in Dentistry” at 29th National Conference of IAOMR held on 1st to 3rd December,2017 at ITS Centre for Dental studies and Research, Murad Nagar, Uttar Pradesh.
- Presented Paper on ‘’Estimation of Serum Homocysteine levels in patients with oral submucous fibrosis and controls – Review’’ at International summit on Oral submucous fibrosis held on 6th to 8th October,2018 at K.M Shah Dental college and Hospital, Vadodara, Gujarat.