Dr K Anil Kumar


Senior Lecturer
  1. Anil Kumar, Rajender Reddy E, Thabitha Rani S, Kiranmayi M, Srujana MP. Feeding Obturator with Presurgical Nasoalveolar Moulding for a 2 day old neonate with Cleft Lip and Palate. Indian J Dental Adv 2017; 9(2): 120-123.
  2. Rajendra Reddy E, Kiranmayi M, Thabitha Rani S, Srikanth Raju S, Srujana M P, Anil Kumar K. Combination therapy for management of mucocele in children– A Case Series. IJDSIR 2019 March;2(2).
  3. Eddula R Reddy, Saraswati S Raju, Kiranmayi Merum, Thabitha Sandipamu, Srujana M Palicarp, Anil Kumar. Postgraduates’ perspective of pediatric dental chair: A questionnaire study. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2020;13(3):251–254.
  4. E Rajendra Reddy, Srujana MP, M Kiranmayi, S Srikanth Raju, M Anupama, M Anil Kumar. Knowledge, attitude, and practice of pediatric dentists in treating the children during COVID-19. International Journal of Scientific Research; Volume – 10, Issue – 03, March – 2021|